Personal Injury

In personal injury cases, if someone gets hurt because of another person’s negligence or wrongful actions, they can receive compensation. This compensation is typically divided into two different types: Economic or Non-economic.

Personal Injury Claims: Seeking Justice for the Seriously Injured

Serious injuries, whether physical or psychological, can have life-altering impacts. Often, these injuries result from negligent or reckless behavior. At the core of our mission as personal injury lawyers is investigating these claims to seek justice for those affected. It’s the duty of manufacturers, distributors, property owners, and managers to ensure the safety of their products and environments. When they fail, prioritizing profit over people, we step in to hold them accountable and prevent further harm.

Our personal injury lawyers are nationally recognized for their success in representing clients across the country who have suffered serious injuries. Whether it’s an auto accident, a workplace incident, or harm caused by a defective product, we understand the physical, psychological, and emotional toll these injuries take on you and your family. 

Our personal injury lawyers handle a wide range of cases, including:

  • Auto Accidents
  • Workplace Accidents
  • Defective Machinery or Safety Training Issues
  • Defective Consumer Products
  • Maritime and Aviation Accidents
  • Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

Watch: Client Mark Bailey discusses his experience with Beasley Allen.

A Closer Look At The Cases We Handle

At Beasley Allen, we are committed to ensuring that those responsible for causing harm are held accountable. Our goal is to seek justice for victims and prevent future injuries. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured, our personal injury lawyers are here to help.

Truck Accidents: When there’s an accident involving big trucks or commercial vehicles, things can get complicated. There are lots of rules these trucks must follow, and accidents can be messy. Our team dedicates significant resources to investigate these claims thoroughly, ensuring that evidence is preserved and justice is served.

Single Vehicle Accidents: These accidents make up roughly one-third of all car accidents in the U.S. and are responsible for about half of the deaths on the road each year. Sometimes, when we look into these crashes, we find out that a problem with the vehicle helped cause the accident. This can lead to legal actions against the companies that made the vehicles.

Auto Crashworthiness: We examine the crashworthiness of vehicles, which refers to the vehicles ability to protect occupants during collisions. This means we check how well the vehicle is built, including safety features like airbags and seat belts, and see how these parts all work together to keep people safe.

Heavy Equipment Injuries: Every year in the U.S., thousands of workers get seriously hurt or even die because of heavy equipment that doesn’t work right or isn’t protected properly. When we look into these cases, we frequently find that the equipment was faulty, which means the companies that made them could be responsible. This leads to product liability lawsuits to hold manufacturers accountable.

Negligence & Premises Liability: We handle many cases where people are hurt or have died because of unsafe situations at places like stores or malls. These problems usually happen because the place wasn’t kept up properly, didn’t have good security, or not enough was done to stop bad accidents or crimes.

Sexual Abuse: Cases of sexual abuse are some of the hardest and most upsetting ones we deal with. Often, these involve kids being hurt by adults they trust and look up to. These situations cause deep harm, and we are committed to holding those responsible and helping the survivors heal.

Diving into Damages

Damages are usually broken down into two main types: economic and non-economic. 

  • Economic damages: These damages are about the money lost or spent because of something bad that happens, like an accident. This includes money spent on doctor’s visits, not being able to earn money if you can’t work, and fixing or replacing things that get broken. For example, if someone gets hurt and can’t work, the money they don’t earn and spend on medical bills would be counted as economic damages.
  • Non-economic damages: These types of damages are about things you can’t easily put a number on, like the hurt and emotional pain someone feels, or the sadness and trouble caused by not being able to connect with family the same way because of an injury. Even though it’s hard to measure these with money, they are still really important in making sure the person who got hurt is fully helped.
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Since 1979, Beasley Allen has been committed to “helping those who need it most.” Our attorneys have helped thousands of clients get the justice they desperately needed and deserved. You pay us nothing if we do not win for you. Contact us today for a free case evaluation.

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