Motorcycle Accident Injuries
Tragically, motorcycle accidents usually result in severe, life-altering injuries because drivers do not have a protective barrier between their bodies and the road. This means that when something goes wrong, be it another vehicle that merges onto you, an obstacle in the road, or a defect in your bike, there is nothing to protect you except for your helmet and the clothes you are wearing.
Whenever we investigate a motorcycle accident claim, our motorcycle accident lawyers, support staff, and investigators will thoroughly examine all aspects of the crash. Not only do we look at the external circumstances that may have contributed to the crash, we examine the bike and its components and even the helmet to determine whether they performed as expected.
Our motor vehicle crash investigations occasionally uncover evidence of a product defect, either in the motorcycle itself or in another vehicle involved in the collision. When this happens, the focus of the case shifts to product liability and our attorneys may take legal action on your behalf against the vehicle manufacturer and other parties for potentially greater damages.
Some examples of product defects in motorcycle crash cases include:
- Rear Brakes Malfunction
- Brake Lights Malfunction
- Leak in Fuel Pump
- Engine Stall
- Tires
What about helmets?
The facts are stark. Head injuries are one of the leading causes of death and disability in America. When you are riding on a motorcycle, your helmet will likely be the only thing that saves your life or spares you from lifelong debilitating injuries. Motorcycle helmets reduce the risk of head injury by 69 percent and reduce the risk of death by 37 percent.
According to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, “laws requiring all motorcyclists to wear helmets are the only strategy proved to be effective in reducing motorcyclist fatalities.” In fact, in states without an all-rider helmet law, 59 percent of the motorcyclists killed were not wearing helmets, as opposed to only 8 percent in states with all-rider helmet laws in 2013.
Not only do these facts demonstrate why helmets are critically essential for motorcyclists, but they also underscore the need for helmets designed and manufactured to the highest standards. We live in an era when so much commerce is conducted online, and retail giants like Amazon and eBay serve as conduits for third-party vendors. Online shopping makes it fast, easy, and cheap to buy a motorcycle helmet from vendors in China or other nations where safety standards are minimal or nonexistent.
If you were involved in a motorcycle crash and sustained head injuries despite wearing a helmet, it is possible the helmet failed to protect you due to a faulty design or manufacturing defect. The helmet’s performance is one aspect of a motorcycle crash that Beasley Allen’s motorcycle accident attorneys will investigate before filing a claim.
What damages can I claim?
When our motorcycle accident attorneys argue your case in court or negotiate a settlement, they may seek several types of compensation for you, depending on your circumstances. These include:
Medical Expenses: Any medical expenses you incur for accident-related injuries, including past or future emergency care, surgeries, hospital stays, and other care.
Economic Damages: Any earnings you lose due to missed work related to your motorcycle crash are recoverable.
Pain and Suffering: The severity and nature of your crash-related injury and the intensity and duration of the pain you suffer because of it are significant considerations in your claim for compensation.
Mental Anguish: Accident-related trauma can trigger a spectrum of emotional difficulty, such as anxiety, fear, humiliation, grief, worry, and so forth, any of which can be considered when seeking compensation.
Loss of Consortium: After a motorcycle accident injury or death, survivors and family members may be deprived of the emotional union and activities they once shared. While this term most commonly refers to the relationship between spouses, it is often recognized in a legal context as the loss of parental consortium, allowing parents to seek compensation for the death or disability of a child and vice-versa.
Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
If you feel you have a claim, our motorcycle accident attorneys would like to talk to you. You may be entitled to compensation. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation legal consultation.
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